
The TV Asahi Group shall aim to contribute to building a sustainable society and attaining group growth by fulfilling its corporate mission to “take part in building a society that encourages the pursuit of dreams and hopes by providing information and content that are both inspiring and worthy to society.”

  • With Earth
    We will maximize use of all owned media in distributing information and providing content and services in order to resolve societal and environmental issues. We will also carry out corporate endeavors that will lead to resolution of such issues.
  • With People
    We will respect our mutual rights and our diverse individuality and values to create a society that is safe and comfortable to all. We will also provide a sound working environment that is conducive to working gratifyingly.
  • Towards the Future
    We will build enduring relationships with each of our stakeholders by carrying out just and healthy corporate operations that abides by the law and social norms.

Five Key Issues for the Future

  • Contributing to the future of earth
  • Creating a future where everyone fulfills their potential
  • Building a new future with technology
  • Living together with kindness
  • Becoming a company that is forever trustworthy

Contributing to the future of earth

We will engage in solving environmental issues in order to pass on the earth’s natural environment in all its richness and beauty to future generations. As a media, we will also call for protecting lives from natural hazards through disaster news coverage.

Initiative 1
We will provide opportunities where individuals and organizations can act towards achieving the SDGs.
Initiative 2
We will report on the danger of natural hazards and contribute to community activities in times of such disasters.
Initiative 3
We will propose efficient use of resources and environmentally friendly life styles.
Initiative 4
We will engage in endeavors that lead to a carbon neutral society and reduce the burden on the environment.

Creating a future where everyone fulfills their potential

We will provide “learning opportunities” through our content to all generations from young children to senior citizens. We will contribute to “creating a society where everyone fulfills their potential.”

Initiative 1
We will create supportive frameworks for the young generation who will lead the future and contribute to the creation of a society where everyone is able to fulfill their potential.
Initiative 2
We will provide learning opportunities anytime, from anywhere and anywhere.

Building a new future with technology

As our daily lives change rapidly due to technological progress, we will report on the latest technology as well as incorporate such innovations into our activities.

Initiative 1
We will uncover technologies and creators that provide alternative options to how we live, work and conduct businesses.
Initiative 2
We will create new content using new technologies such as AI, VR and the metaverse.
Initiative 3
We will undertake digital transformation in the workplace to improve efficiency and encourage workstyle diversity.

Living together with kindness

We will appreciate each other’s individuality and values to create a society that is safe and comfortable to all. We will also support our employee’s respective life stages.

Initiative 1
We will respect human rights.
Initiative 2
We will continue to produce and deliver content that appreciates diversity.
Initiative 3
We will practice diversity in our HR endeavors and aim to become a company that supports well-being.

Becoming a company that is forever trustworthy

We will strengthen our corporate governance and enforce compliance in order to fulfill our public duty as a broadcaster and news media. We will aim to enhance disclosure of information, improve transparency in management and will continue to build a structure that is responsive to rules and various practices of society.

Initiative 1
We will be timely, just and accurate in our news reporting.
Initiative 2
We will strengthen our corporate governance.
Initiative 3
We will enforce compliance.
Initiative 4
We will strengthen our information security system.
Initiative 5
We will abide by the Subcontract Law and build appropriate relationships with business partners.

Governance Structure for Sustainability Issues

In line with pursuing endeavors pertaining to the realization of a sustainable society, the SDGs Management Department was established on December 1, 2021 and the Sustainability Committee on June 29, 2023. The SDGs Management Department are comprised mainly of General Managers of each Division and report on plans and strategies that pertain to sustainability issues to the Council of Executive Directors. The Sustainability Committee that is chaired by the representative director reports necessary matters regarding response to risks related to sustainability, including climate change, to the Council of Executive Directors. Matters deemed important by the Council of Executive Directors are presented to the Board of Directors.

tv asahi holdings corporation

tv asahi

  • The Council of Executive Directors, comprised of Board Members who are full-time internal directors, discusses and reports on execution of business operations.
  • The SDGs Management Team was also established under and to support the SDGs Management Department. The Team is comprised of a wide variety of staffs from each Division and Group companies, both young and experienced.

Process of Identifying the Five Key Issues (Materiality)

  1. Identify and classify societal issues with respect to SDGs and ESG assessment standards.
  2. Sort TV Asahi Group’s current endeavors related to SDGs and classify issues that highly relate to TV Asahi Group endeavors.
  3. Identify the highly crucial issues of the TV Asahi Group and its employees and the highly crucial issues of stakeholders such as viewers, advertisers and shareholders, and then analyze the cruciality and priority of the two.
  4. Determine five key issues (materiality) to prioritize upon discussion among the SDGs Management Team, SDGs Management Department and Council of Executive Directors.
  5. Establish specific goals of each of the five key issues (materiality), share the goals within the TV Asahi Group and carry out execution plans.

ESG activities of
TV Asahi Holdings


Initiatives Based on TCFD Recommendations

TV Asahi Group (the “Group”) aims to contribute to a sustainable society while achieving Group growth and has announced the “Five Key Issues for the Future” in May 2022 where one of the key issues is “Contributing to the future of earth.” As a media outlet, the Group strives not only to report disaster-related information to save human lives, but also provide information that furthers the protection of the earth’s rich environment.

Moreover, as a corporate citizen, in order to take action towards solving climate change-related issues, the Group has endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)* and discloses below the analysis conducted in line with the TCFD framework.

*The TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to develop recommendations on the types of climate-related information that companies should disclose to support the assessment conducted by financial institutions. The TCFD recommends that companies disclose information on climate change-related risks and opportunities in the areas of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.


Important matters relating to climate change are deliberated on and determined by the Board of Directors. Two specific bodies outlined below aim to continuously focus on identifying/assessing and promptly reflecting in business strategies the risks and opportunities that may significantly impact the sustainable growth and continuity of the Group.

Sustainability Committee

The President and Representative Director serves as chair of the Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for monitoring and managing risks and opportunities related to sustainability, including climate change.

SDGs Management Department

The SDGs Management Department is composed primarily of general managers of TV Asahi Holdings Corporation and TV Asahi. It is responsible for assessing and examining climate change-related risks and opportunities.

Matters deliberated by the SDGs Management Department are reported to the Sustainability Committee once a year and then reported to the Council of Executive Directors. Matters deemed important by the Council of Executive Directors are presented to the Board of Directors.

Note: In the above diagram, “Instruction” refers to instructions issued by either the council/committee chair or the board member in charge of the matter.


Utilizing the scenario analysis methodology recommended by the TCFD, the Group has identified and assessed the future risks and opportunities for 2030 from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. The Group has also considered and implemented measures relating to risks and opportunities deemed to have significant impact. The scenario analysis is based on the following two scenarios:
1. A “Below 2°C” scenario where the impact of transitioning to a low-carbon society is greater than the present.
2. A “4°C” scenario where the physical impacts of climate change are substantial.

1. “Below 2°C” Scenario Analysis
“Below 2°C” scenario

A scenario where the rise in temperature from the Industrial Revolution to the year 2100 is held within 2°C. This scenario assumes global warming is curbed by reducing the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas levels as a result of government decarbonization policies and regulations that are more stringent than those currently in place and changes in the market.

- Specific scenarios utilized:
RCP2.6 (Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Fifth Assessment Report” (AR5))
Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) “Net Zero by 2050”)
Sustainable Development Scenario (Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) “World Energy Outlook 2019” (WEO 2019))
Analysis findings

The Group’s operating costs would increase as a result of taxation of CO2 emissions from business activities due to the introduction of carbon taxes aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and a steep rise in electricity prices due to the growing proportion of renewable energy used. If the Group’s decarbonization efforts are deemed insufficient as concern for climate change grows, a decrease in advertisement placements and decline in viewership is expected. Moreover, companies in industries that are vulnerable to transitional impacts to decarbonization are expected to be equally affected by the aforementioned factors.

Measures and Countermeasures

One way the Group is managing the impending carbon taxes and steep rise in electricity prices is reducing power consumption, such as switching to LED lighting. A 50% reduction target from FY21/3 to FY31/3 in the lighting power consumption of studio facilities at the TV Asahi Headquarters Building has been established. The Group is also targeting a 100% renewable energy ratio at the Headquarters Building by FY31/3 through initiatives such as switching to green power.

On the news reporting front, TV Asahi and BS Asahi became signatories to the SDG Media Compact in July 2020 and February 2020, respectively, and have been making efforts to delivering information that contributes to solving SDG-related issues including climatic and environmental matters. In 2023, both companies continued to participate in the campaign “Promise of 1.5°C,” which was carried out by the United Nations and Japanese companies that are signatories to the SDG Media Compact, and distributed information on a wide range of climate change issues. In addition to collaboration with external organizations, the Group also implements its own initiatives, such as regularly slotting “SDGs Week” as part of its “The Future Starts Here Project.” In summer of 2023, TV Asahi covered Japanese researchers studying climate change in the Arctic and reported on the front line impacts of global warming such as the rapid thawing of the sea ice and changes in the wild animals.

Moreover, the Group will strengthen coordination with companies in industries that are vulnerable to the impacts of decarbonization by enhancing collaboration through monitoring market trends, creating more opportunities for dialogue, and other such efforts.

2. “4°C” Scenario Analysis
“4°C” scenario

A scenario where the rise in average temperature from the Industrial Revolution to the year 2100 is approximately 4°C. It does not assume a transition to decarbonization and is predicated upon current government policies remaining in place, leading to the industries continuing to depend on fossil fuels.

- Specific scenarios utilized:
RCP8.5 (Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Fifth Assessment Report” (AR5))
Stated Policies Scenario (Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) “World Energy Outlook 2021” (WEO 2021))
Analysis findings

Under this scenario, domestically, it is expected that extreme weather disasters, particularly storm and flood damages, will be more frequent and severe. Such calamities will impair the Group’s business facilities, news reporting activities, event functions, etc. and shall impact the Group financially. Moreover, revenue will also be impacted if business partners that are susceptible to weather disasters reduce their advertising placements after incurring disaster-related losses or opt to refrain from advertising in the aftermath of disasters.

Measures and Countermeasures

As response to such risks, the Group is working to create and secure a news reporting system to promptly deliver accurate information on and during extreme weather disasters. Specifically, as a reliable media outlet, the Group shall provide timely disaster and meteorological information, archive disaster information, work on improving the Group’s Business Continuity Plan and proactively make Group facilities available for community bases in the event of disasters.

List of quantitative risks and opportunities
<List of quantitative risks and opportunities>
Items Timeline Impact Assessment Countermeasures
Below 2°C scenario 4°C scenario
Transition risks Gov. policies, regulations Medium to long-term Increase in operating costs due to introduction of carbon tax Major Minor Reduce CO2 emissions by switching to LED lighting and renewable energy
Market Medium to long-term Increase in electricity costs with increased percentage of renewable energy utilized Medium Minor Reduce electricity consumption
Physical risks Acute Short to long-term Increase in costs due to Group business sites affected by disasters Minor Minor Enhance Business Continuity Plan such as installing water stoppers at entrances to Headquarters Building
Chronic Short to long-term Increase in air conditioning costs due to rise in average temperatures Minor Minor Reduce electricity consumption and increase use of renewable energy
<List of qualitative risks and opportunities>
Items Timeline Impact Assessment Countermeasures
Below 2°C scenario 4°C scenario
Transition risks Market Medium to long-term Decrease in viewer ratings and advertising opportunities due to ineffectiveness in capturing viewer needs relating to climatic changes and reflecting such subject matters in content creation X Proactive distribution of information on climate change

Strengthen collaboration through monitoring and dialogue on market trends regarding transition to decarbonization
Reputation Short to long-term Reputational damage among customers and viewers, and decreased viewer ratings and opportunities for advertising, due to Group's response to climate change X Enhance climate change response including reduction of CO2 emissions
Physical risks Acute Short to long-term Reduction in advertising opportunities due to disaster impact on client companies and/or increase in catastrophic disasters Strengthen collaboration through monitoring and information-gathering on customer trends relating to impact of extreme weather conditions

Enhance information distribution process through archiving disaster-related information, etc.
Items Timeline Impact and response Assessment Measures
Below 2°C scenario 4°C scenario
Transition opportunities Market Medium to long-term Increase in advertising opportunities due to the increased decarbonization-related activities and technological advancements X Strengthen collaboration through monitoring and information-gathering on customer trends relating to transition to decarbonization
Medium to long-term Increase in demand for climate change-related content due to increased educational needs of related issues X
Physical opportunities Resilience Short to long-term Increase in earnings due to increased demand for programs and information on weather disasters Diversify information distribution process such as archiving disaster-related information, etc.
Definition of Timeline

Short-term: 0 to 3 years
Medium-term: 0 to 10 years (to around 2030)
Long-term: 10 years or more

Definition of “Major”, “Medium”, and “Minor” in the quantitative chart

Major: Impact amounting to 100 million yen or more
Medium: Impact between 50 million and 100 million yen
Minor: Impact less than 50 million yen

Definition of “✔” and “X” in the qualitative charts

✔: Impact expected
X: Almost no impact expected

Risk Management

The Group’s climate change-related risk management is conducted by the Board of Directors, Council of Executive Directors, Sustainability Committee, and the SDGs Management Department.

The SDGs Management Department receives regular reports from relevant divisions and departments on the following matters and monitors developments.
1. Reassessment of climate change-related risks and progress management of countermeasures
2. The necessity of expenditure on countermeasures and significant impacts on revenue

Findings are also shared with relevant business units within the company, and deliberations are made on how currently recognized sustainability-related risks are changing, as well as on the need for implementation of additional countermeasures. Matters that need to be reported to the Sustainability Committee are then presented. Upon receiving reports, the Sustainability Committee may seek input from external experts to help determine the need for countermeasures. If the risks are deemed to be significant, the Sustainability Committee will report such matters and response strategies to the Council of Executive Directors. The Council of Executive Directors will incorporate the risk analysis into other sustainability-related and other Group-wide risks and conduct reassessments. Risks that are deemed to be significant will be reported to the Board of Directors for deliberation and the Board of Directors will make final decisions on countermeasures and response timelines.

Key sustainability-related issues and the identification process

General Meeting of Shareholders
Note: In the above diagram, “Instruction” refers to instructions issued by the council/committee/department chair and/or the board member in charge of the matter.

Metrics and Targets

The Group uses greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, electricity consumption, and the percentage of renewable energy used, as indicators to assess and monitor climate change impacts.

The Group is currently discussing its GHG emission reduction target and will disclose the target once established. Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions include utilizing co-generation system services, rooftop greening and taking advantage of daylight through the use of glass exterior walls.

The Group is targeting a 50% reduction by FY31/3 in lighting electricity consumption in its Headquarters Building studio facilities in comparison to FY21/3 levels. Measures such as switching to LED studio lighting are being taken and approximately 450 lights in Studio 3 and Studio 4 were changed to LEDs in January 2021, followed by 115 lights in Studio 5 in January 2023.

Regarding the transition to renewable electricity consumption, the Group has a target to achieve 100% at its Headquarters Building by FY31/3, and aim for 40% by FY26/3. To achieve the target, the Group is proactively switching to renewable energy, such as switching to green electricity generated from 100% renewable sources.

<GHG Emissions>
  FY22/3 results FY23/3 results
Scope 1 167.8 (tCO2) 323.6 (tCO2)
Scope 2 23,333.3 (tCO2) 22,744.3 (tCO2)

Scope of calculation:

TV Asahi Corporation
Asahi Satellite Broadcasting Limited
CS One Ten, Ltd.


Information disclosed on May 12, 2023


The earth blesses us in various ways including the resources and energy sources necessary for business activities. Being aware of maintaining the natural environment in a better condition is a given responsibility of corporations, and in order to pass on the earth’s natural environment in all its richness and beauty to the next generation and beyond, TV Asahi carries out several environmentally friendly measures.

CO2 Emissions

TV Asahi’s headquarters building was constructed as part of a largescale urban redevelopment project. As such, the building receives its heat supply from the district-wide cogeneration system. This system achieves high levels of efficiency through the centralization of all of the heat supply facilities in the district. Moreover, the Company carries out several practices to curb the amount of energy consumed such as greening the rooftop of the building, taking advantage of daylight with its glass-facade building, applying thermal insulation film to windows, maintaining air-conditioning temperatures at appropriate levels, switching to LED lighting, turning off unnecessary lights, installing sensor-activated lighting, and so on. In addition, TV Asahi Corporation and Asahi Satellite Broadcasting Limited endeavors to lower CO2 emissions by purchasing renewable energy certificates.

<CO2 Emissions>
  FY20/3 FY21/3 FY22/3 FY23/3 FY24/3
CO2 emissions 18,557 t 17,387 t 15,977 t 15,842 t 15,672 t
Reduction rate from benchmark 15.0% 20.3% 26.8% 27.4% 28.2%
※The Company's benchmark based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Security Ordinance is 21,822 tons, the emission average from FY06/3 through FY08/3.
※The CO2 emission of TV Asahi’s headquarters building for FY23/3, based on the "Total Emission Reduction Obligation and Cap-and-Trade Program" under the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Security Ordinance, has been verified by a third-party inspection conducted by BiSUS Co., Ltd..

Renewable energy

TV Asahi Headquarters and Ark Broadcasting Center has adopted the Renewable Energy Certificate System of Japan where a portion of energy used is traded into renewable energy. 3.2 million kWh of electricity used since April 2020 will be deemed as green electricity which is equivalent to a reduction of 1,500 tons of CO2 emissions.

Asahi Satellite Broadcasting Limited has also adopted renewable energy in 2021 by obtaining a non-fossil fuel energy certificate using the non-fossil value trading market. The certificate covers 100% of energy used at its main offices in Roppongi Hills from April 2020 and Asahi Satellite Broadcasting continues to adopt renewable energy even after relocating its headquarters to EX TOWER in January 2024.

Green Power

LED lighting

TV Asahi is replacing its lightings to LED in its studios to reduce CO2 emissions. In January 2021, approximately 450 lights in Studio 3 and Studio 4 were changed to LEDs, followed by 115 lights in Studio 5 in January 2023.

Solar panels

Consolidated subsidiary Shin-Ei Animation has installed solar panels on its rooftop which covers 20% of electricity used.


Separating recyclables from trash and reutilizing such resources ensure the effective use of limited resources.

As a result, less waste is generated, less amount of energy is required for waste disposal, and CO2 emissions are reduced. TV Asahi places recycling bins for different types of resources in each of its worksites and ensures that all employees are mindful of recycling and are responsible for the waste generated and resources used.

<Waste and recycling rate>
  FY20/3 FY21/3 FY22/3 FY23/3 FY24/3
Volume of waste generated 657.2 t 536.7 t 519.7 t 521.1 t 539.3 t
Recycling rate 86.7% 87.2% 85.0% 85.0% 84.7%

Water Sources

Using water resources in an efficient and effective manner is crucial in protecting the earth’s oceans and ensuring that people around the world will continue to have access to clean and safe water in the future.

In addition to increasing the use of reclaimed water in areas where high standard of water quality is not required, TV Asahi also prevents excessive use of water by placing automatic faucets in washrooms and water-saving devices in toilet cisterns.

Moreover, grease traps in the drainage system of the headquarters building has been installed to separate and trap oil, fat, and other waste with the aim of preventing water pollution by stopping it from entering the sewer system.

Underground rainwater pits beneath the headquarters building are also installed to temporarily hold rainwater before it is discharged. This alleviates the impact on neighboring sewer systems following torrential rainfalls.

<Water usage>
  FY20/3 FY21/3 FY22/3 FY23/3 FY24/3
Total volume used 72,801 t 55,385 t 62,972 t 61,192 t 66,919 t
 amount of reclaimed water 7,888 t 7,918 t 4,775 t 7,920 t 12,820 t
 % of reclaimed water use 10,8% 14.3% 7.6% 12.9% 19.2%
Reused rainwater 441 t 364 t 374 t 423 t 501 t
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Human Capital Development

Policy on Human Capital

The TV Asahi Group’s corporate mission is “to take part in building a society that encourages the pursuit of dreams and hopes by providing information and content that are both inspiring and worthy to society.” Furthermore, under the mid-term management plan “TV Asahi for the New Era, Management Plan 2023-2025,” announced in March 2023, the Group is pursuing its 360° strategy that is founded on its basic philosophy “Content is the source of all value.”

The current environment surrounding TV broadcasting is changing at a rapid pace. Moreover, primarily due to the declining birthrate and aging population, lifestyles and values are also diversifying. As such, the Group believes that in order to capture the needs of viewers/consumers and provide information and content that are both inspiring and worthy to society in an increasingly diversifying world, it is necessary to secure a workforce that is rich in diversity, embracing different values and backgrounds (Ensuring diversity).

To encourage every person who is part of the TV Asahi Group to become creators and innovators, and to maximize the value of content, which are the values and action guidelines of “TV Asahi for the New Era, Management Plan 2023-2025,” it is crucial to develop and assign personnel in a manner that allows full development of each person’s potential and individuality (HR development). It is also important to build a workplace that furthers job satisfaction and growth in a mentally and physically healthy environment (Enhancing engagement). These three actions are the pillars of the Group’s policy on human capital development.

Indicators of Diversity (FY23/3)※1

Percentage of women employees in managerial positions Percentage of men employees taking parental leave Percentage of pay difference between men and women※4
Among all employees Among fulltime workers Among part-time/contract workers
TV Asahi Corporation 16.9 67.7 ※2 85.7 86.9 62.9
Tokyo Sound Production Inc. 9.7 40.0 ※2 72.8 71.7 82.9
TRUST NETWORK INC. 11.7 22.2 76.9 78.4 91.2
FLEX Co., Ltd. 13.9 77.8 77.8 76.6 90.4
HOSOGIJYUTSUSHA CO., LTD. 3.8 33.3 78.5 78.7 49.6
SHIN-EI ANIMATION Co., Ltd. 28.1 33.3
TAKESYSTEMS Co., Ltd. 11.9 50.0
TV Asahi Productions Co., Ltd. 12.2 ※3
TV Asahi Create Corporation 26.5 50.0 ※2
TV Asahi Service Co., Ltd. 19.4 50.0
TV Asahi mediaplex corporation 23.1 150.0 ※2
Bunkakobo, inc. 9.5 0.0
※1 The list consists of consolidated subsidiaries that have more than 101 employees as of the end of FY23/3. Percentage of pay difference between men and women is listed for consolidated subsidiaries that have more than 301 employees.
※2 Percentage of men employees taking parental leave includes leave regarding care of children who have yet to enter elementary school.
※3 There are no men employees who are eligible for taking parental leave during the fiscal year.
※4 Regarding pay difference between men and women, there is no pay discrepancy for equal work and the difference is from the difference in average age of men and women, the percentage among managerial posts and other factors.

Measures and Goals at TV Asahi Corporation

1. Ensuring Diversity

・To secure a workforce that is rich in diversity, TV Asahi will practice strategic hiring considering gender and career experience, and design plans to appoint such employees to frontline leadership positions and managerial posts, thereby expanding opportunities for such employees to play active roles and make positive contributions.

・To advance the diversification of values, TV Asahi recognizes the need to increase employees that have the experience of working at external companies. As such, the company will increase the number of its young employees who work for a given time for group companies and third-party corporations.

TV Asahi is the only commercial broadcaster in Japan participating in 30% Club Japan, a campaign aimed at increasing the proportion of women in critical decision-making roles in business, and is committed to promoting the advancement of women.

2. Human Resource Development

・The required human resources and skills for each division will be identified in order to promote the company’s 360° strategy. Henceforth, a human resources system will be established in FY26/3 where each employee is able to fully demonstrate their capability and individuality and autonomously choose their career path.

・Training sessions aimed to provide necessary knowledge and skills to become managers and executives will be held in order to strengthen the pool of candidates for future managerial roles.

・Opportunities to gain knowledge and experience that cannot be attained within the company, i.e. reskilling opportunities, will be provided to support challenges in new business fields that is necessary for innovation.

3. Enhancing Engagement

・In order to maintain a workplace that provides mental and physical security and that promotes inspiration, work styles that accommodate various lifestyles and that enhance the well-being of employees will be adopted.

・Measures in work style transformation, such as increase in paid holidays taken by employees, decrease in overtime work hours, promotion of telework and digital transformation (DX) will be further implemented.

・Building a working environment that balances parental care and work, and encouraging male employees to take parental leave will be carried out. Support systems in returning to work after leave will also be strengthened.

・Employee engagement surveys that targets all employees will be regularly conducted from FY24/3 to identify future issues.

Human Capital Measures by TV Asahi Corporation

Human Rights

The TV Asahi Group has formulated the "TV Asahi Group Human Rights Policy" in order to continue to fulfill its pubic duty and gain trust from society by pursuing initiatives that respect human rights.

Human Rights Policy

Content Responsibility

Program Responsibility and Advancement

TV Asahi’s duty is to serve the public. As such, TV Asahi aims to produce programs that are well-received and trustworthy of viewers and voluntarily incorporates various measures in advancing the quality of its programs.

Program standards
Program Advisory Council
Broadcast program advancement measures
Program genre
Program accessibility
Voluntary standards of program commissioning
Principles of eliminating anti-social forces

Program Standards

Program Responsibility and Advancement
(Japanese only)

Quality Improvement of Digital Advertisements

TV Asahi believes it is important to procure the quality of its digital advertisements in order to provide a just and reliable digital advertising environment for its advertisers and safe advertisements to viewers.
As such in November 2021, the Company has received certification as a quality business provider of digital advertisements in two areas ? “ensuring brand safety according to the quality of advertising destinations” and “exclusion of invalid distribution, including ad fraud” - from the Japan Joint Industry Committee for Digital Advertising Quality & Qualify (JICDAQ), a third-party certification organization for digital advertisements.


Integrated Learning Support Activities

TV Asahi contributes to society through the provision of integrated learning support activities. These include but are not limited to TV Asahi Guided Tours and classes led by TV Asahi employees at schools and other academic institutions.

Guided Tours

Started in 2003, TV Asahi offers an approximately 90-minute Guided Tour that provides students above the 5th grade level the chance to learn about broadcasting operations. The tours are led by full-time staff at the TV Asahi Headquarters and include an introduction to the content production process, a visit to a studio giving a live news broadcast, a newscaster experience, a photo shoot at a real studio set, etc. The guided tours welcome shareholders and respond to requests from advertisers. A total of 6,653 tours have been given with 56,000 students participating as of March 2024.

Guided Tours
(Japanese only)
Guided Tours latest news
(Japanese only)

Guided Tours via the Internet

Since 2021, the use of two new tools allows students to enjoy the Guided Tours without having to physically visit TV Asahi Headquarters. One, the Online Guided Tour, uses a video conference system where the classroom or homes are connected live to the studio. The other, the Guide Channel on TV Asahi’s official YouTube channel, offers videos where the tour guide reports and edits behind-the-scene stories of programs and TV Asahi’s various facilities.

Online Guided Tours
(Japanese only)
Guide Channel on YouTube
(Japanese only)

Cater Classes

Started in 2005, the first to start among Tokyo-based key broadcasters, Cater Classes are taught by TV Asahi personnel at elementary schools up to the university level, mainly in the TV Asahi broadcasting area. Workshops that include topics such as “a behind-the-scenes look at program production,” “until news is aired” and “how to relate to media” allow young adults to learn about the importance of media literacy. Classes are offered both in real and online. A total of 1,694 schools and 166,000 students have participated as of March 2024.

Cater Classes
(Japanese only)
Cater Classes latest news
(Japanese only)

TV Asahi Cater Courses

Started in 2008, TV Asahi personnel are invited by local governments and communities to lead courses in media and regional disaster preparedness and workshops for learning communication through the firsthand experiences of TV announcers, which targets all ages, children/young adults up to the elderly. A total of 262 courses have been led with 16,800 persons participating as of March 2024.

TV Asahi Cater Courses
(Japanese only)
TV Asahi Cater Courses
latest news (Japanese only)

TV Academy

Started in 2006, creators of popular programs and news reporters give a candid account on the intended purpose of the program, what is important in content creation and backstage accounts of production using visual snippets. As the event participants ask various questions, content creators regard it as a valuable opportunity to hear “real” voices of viewers. A total of 62 sessions have been conducted with 5,950 persons participating as of March 2024.

TV Academy
(Japanese only)
TV Academy latest news
(Japanese only)

TV Asahi Welfare Foundation

In 1977, TV Asahi established the TV Asahi Welfare Foundation, the first-ever social welfare foundation to be established by a commercial broadcaster. By making use of being affiliated with a TV broadcaster, the foundation engages in a wide-range of welfare activities that focus on children, single-parent households, people with disabilities, senior citizens and others.

TV Asahi Welfare Foundation
(Japanese only)

TV Asahi Doraemon Charity Fund

Since 1999, TV Asahi operates the TV Asahi Doraemon Charity Fund to aid disaster victims and support disaster-related welfare activities. The company grants all of the donated funds collected via appeals made through various TV Asahi programs and other media to disaster-affected areas.

TV Asahi Doraemon Charity Fund
(Japanese only)

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Corporate Governance

The Company believes corporate governance is a crucial management matter and has been proactively building management structures and taking initiatives as described below.

Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

The Company, as a certified broadcasting holding company with commercial broadcasters as subsidiaries, pursues profit through just and appropriate means and contributes to the progress of democracy while remaining impartial. The Company appreciates the public nature and interest of broadcasting, abides by the Broadcasting Act, Radio Act and Civil Protection Act, and its subsidiaries contribute to cultural development by providing information vital to daily life and sound entertainment.

To conduct business while fulfilling its public mission as a broadcaster, the Company enhances its corporate value through the production and delivery of content that meets the needs of society, which is built upon nurturing and hiring workforce that share the same philosophy, gaining the trust of stakeholders, and assuming responsibility as a broadcaster and news media.

The Company believes the basis of its corporate governance lays in establishing and executing a system that facilitates sustained growth and medium to long-term development of corporate value while maintaining proper relationships with stakeholders.

Corporate Governance System

Based on the corporate governance policy above and given the public nature of broadcasting business, the Company strives for long-term, stable advancement of the TV Asahi Group’s corporate value as well as the interests of its shareholders and other stakeholders. To this end, the Company has adopted the “company with an audit and supervisory committee” system, whereby Audit and Supervisory Committee members who are responsible for auditing and supervising the execution of business by directors are appointed to the Board of Directors, which enables both business execution and appropriate management administration.

The major bodies and organizations that form the Company’s governance system and their respective functions are as follows.

General Meeting of Shareholders
General Meeting of Shareholders

The Company believes that ensuring equality in the exercise of voting rights and other rights by a large number of shareholders leads to more substantive exercise of those rights. As such, in accordance with the Companies Act and other relevant laws and regulations, the Company determines the schedule for General Meetings of Shareholders and conducts information disclosures. The Company also ensures that there is ample time for shareholders to examine agenda items by sending convocation notices and disclosing information as early as possible. This proactive approach helps to ensure that General Meetings of Shareholders provide opportunities for constructive dialogue.

Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee

In addition to the full-time directors tasked with executing business operations, the Company elects individuals from diverse backgrounds to the Board of Directors. These include individuals from capital or strategic partner companies; those who have certain interests in, and ample experience and knowledge of the broadcasting business; and those who are independent of the Company’s management and capable of objectively monitoring the fairness and appropriateness of relationships with stakeholders.

Board of Directors

The Company has established a framework to delegate a portion of key business execution decisions (such as the acquisition and disposal of important assets) to the Board of Directors, facilitating faster decision-making. The number of Board of Directors (excluding those who also serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee members) is limited to 20, while the number of directors who also serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee members is limited to five. There are currently 15 directors on the Board, five of whom are also Audit and Supervisory Committee members. Seven of the 15 directors are outside directors. Business execution is carried out by the representative directors selected by the Board, with the assistance of the full-time internal directors.

<Percentage of Women on the Board of Directors>
  FY22/3 FY23/3 FY24/3
Number of women on the Board of Directors 2 persons 2 persons 2 persons
Percentage of women 13.3% 13.3% 13.3%

※Data from each fiscal year represent figures as of the end of June.

【Independent Outside Directors】

The Company appoints highly independent directors in line with criteria pertaining to the independence of outside directors. Currently, five of the Company’s 15 directors are independent outside directors, which represents more than one-third of the Board.

Audit and Supervisory Committee (A&SC)

Comprised by a majority of independent outside directors, the Audit and Supervisory Committee is governed by its own audit standards. In keeping with audit policies and plans, the A&SC members attend crucial meetings and rigorously undertake audit activities, including interviews with directors and employees, review of documents, and regular discussions and information-sharing with the accounting auditor, as well as additional discussions when required. The A&SC also receives detailed reports on the results of periodic internal audits from the office responsible of said duty.

<Percentage of Women on the Audit and Supervisory Committee>
  FY22/3 FY23/3 FY24/3
Number of women on the Audit and Supervisory Committee 1 person 1 person 1 person
Percentage of women 20% 20% 20%

※Data from each fiscal year represent figures as of the end of June.

Nomination and Compensation Committee (N&CC)

The Company’s Nomination and Compensation Committee is chaired by an independent outside director and is comprised by a majority of outside directors who also serve as A&SC members. This is to ensure that independent outside directors are able to provide advice and participate as expected. The N&CC has the authority to deliberate on matters such as the selection, dismissal, and compensation of senior management and directors (excluding those who also serve as A&SC members) and present its recommendations to the Board of Directors.

【Appointment, Dismissal, and Nomination Procedures】

The appointment and dismissal of senior management members and the nomination of director candidates (excluding those who also serve as A&SC members) is ultimately decided by resolution of the Board of Directors taking into account the recommendations of the N&CC.

【Director Compensation】

Of the Company’s directors (excluding those who also serve as A&SC members), executive directors are provided with monetary compensation and stock compensation, with the former being comprised of three components: basic compensation, performance-based compensation, and incentive compensation. For the amount of basic compensation, a standard amount is determined according to position, taking into account the highest employee salary, past payment amounts, appropriateness of director compensation, and other relevant conditions. For the amount of incentive compensation, a standard compensation amount is determined according to position and then adjusted in line with the individual’s performance evaluation.
Non-executive directors are paid a fixed amount of basic monetary compensation only, which is determined after comprehensively considering matters such as duties and circumstances relating to their appointment.
The allocation of compensation to directors who also serve as A&SC members is determined upon deliberation by the A&SC.

System to Protect Stakeholder Interests

As a listed company, the Company assures the equality of shareholders by providing vital and appropriate information via its website and various means so that shareholders may appropriately exercise rights. In addition, as a certified broadcasting holding company and to maintain the public nature and public interest of and impartial position as a broadcaster, the Company ensures that, based on the Broadcasting Act and other regulations, there are no doubts regarding the exercise of legal individual and common shareholders’ rights.

Moreover, the Company in principle does not hold cross shareholdings unless they are deemed to be shares of companies with which it has important business or collaborative relationships, or with which maintaining and developing business relationships are important, thereby contributing to corporate value. Based on this policy, the Company has created internal rules and has established the Investment Review Committee (IRC) as a body under the Council of Executive Directors. The IRC deliberates the investment according to the purpose, scale, type, necessity, risk, profitability, and other factors and the Company determines whether to continue such investments based on assessments of the IRC once a year.

Information Disclosure

To ensure accurate and clear communications concerning the Company’s financial and non-financial information, the Company appoints one of its full-time internal directors as the information officer. The appointment of an information officer clarifies the person ultimately responsible of the subject and content of information disclosed. Such information includes disclosures made in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Company’s financial position, management strategies, risks, and non-financial information on topics such as ESG-related issues (environmental, social and governance information). To ensure that non-financial information is highly accurate and useful, the relevant personnel in the business units responsible for accounting, administrative affairs, and investor relations meet periodically to examine the details of information to be disclosed and engage in constructive discussions on related issues.

The Company has disclosed the above basic approach to corporate governance in the TV Asahi Holdings Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Company also discloses information in corporate governance reports concerning how it is complying with Japan’s Corporate Governance Code. Details can be found below.

TV Asahi Holdings Corporation
Corporate Governance Guidelines

Corporate Governance Report
(Japanese only)


TV Asahi believes that its content is founded on the trust and expectations of viewers, advertisers, shareholders, business partners and other stakeholders. As a broadcaster whose duty is to serve the public and to remain a trustful establishment, it is essential for all staff and employees who work at TV Asahi to be highly mindful of compliance issues. In such context, TV Asahi has established its internal compliance systems.

TV Asahi Compliance Charter
(Japanese only)

Compliance Framework

<Organizational Chart>
Compliance Management Officer

The compliance management officer gives direction and supervises compliance processes. As needed, the compliance management officer gives instruction on appropriate investigative and corrective procedures by giving instructions to the Compliance Audit Department and related departments through the director in charge of Compliance Audit Department.

The director in charge of Compliance Audit Department assists the compliance management officer and instructs the Compliance Audit Department so that compliance is maintained and executed smoothly.

The Compliance Audit Department plans and executes specific measures in order to promote compliance awareness. Such activities include holding trainings and seminars, publishing handbooks, sharing information using the intranet and sending mail-magazines. The Department also works closely with the compliance chiefs and leaders at each division and production unit to further compliance.

Consultation Hotlines

In order to handle unlawful acts, unfair practices and harassment issues, three hotlines are set up, one each at the Compliance Audit Department, Personnel Division and an external law firm.

A hotline card that contains the contact information of the three hotlines is handed out to all staff who work at TV Asahi. Moreover, TV Asahi requires main business partners to provide a “compliance commitment” and requests that the hotline (Compliance Audit Department) be used to report inappropriate behavior so that fraudulent use of program production costs can be avoided.

As for the consultations received, the Compliance Audit Department and Personnel Division swiftly investigate the reported incident and implement preventive measures. Matters are handled in accordance with the “compliance hotline guidelines” where protection of the consultee is thoroughly carried out by means of securing anonymity and forbidding disadvantageous treatment.

Furthermore, in addition to the existing hotline, “casual compliance” was established in 2022 to provide an informal system for staff working at TV Asahi to discuss and report matters. This system allows for a more laid-back consultation on small enquiries, concerns and uncertainties.

Moreover, there is an assigned compliance chief and leader in each department, which enables employees and staff to discuss or report any compliance concerns in a more familiar setting. The Compliance Audit Department holds regular meetings with compliance leaders to be aware of each workplace and deal with each incident accordingly.

Awareness Activities

TV Asahi holds multi-layered training sessions to ensure high compliance awareness among the work force. With regards to harassment and vital issues, all management and employees participate in training sessions corresponding to respective career levels. The company also holds compliance seminars by external experts and workshops where the lecturer and participants mutually interact, which covers current topics such as organizational development, communication and diversity. All staff who work at TV Asahi are able to participate in the activities.

Furthermore, a compliance handbook is published annually, and information on cases to be aware of are regularly communicated by means of mail-magazines and use of the intranet.


TV Asahi holds regular internal audits regarding harassment issues. Company-wide questionnaires and interviews regarding the most important issues are conducted and analyzed annually. The results are reported to the compliance management officer and preventive measures are duly implemented.

The use of program production costs and SGA costs are also regularly monitored to avoid fraudulent use.

Digital Governance

TV Asahi is further strengthening its digital governance to support future growth strategies.

Also, as a “substantial infrastructure operator” that has the social duty to thoroughly implement security measures and also as a “personal information handler” that manages personal information and data, the Company believes that it is important to create a governance structure for the digital domain.

Digital Governance System

In line with the above, the company has established the Digital Governance Office within the Compliance Audit Department in October 2022. The Office manages “data governance” that furthers data utilization, including the handing of privacy data, and also further strengthens “information security measures” that incorporates contingency procedures for threat of advanced cyberattacks and information leakages.

Digital Governance System
Digital Governance Committee

The Digital Governance Committee discusses substantial matters, policies and rule management on data governance and information security and shares important information. It is comprised of general managers from all divisions.

Digital Governance Office

The Digital Governance Office is responsible of the following practices. The Office is comprised of full-time staff as well as staff from other related departments.

↠ Developing regulations and rules
Manage information that includes personal and confidential information, and managing regulations and rules that are necessary for information security according to changes in the digital sphere and society.
↠ Assessment and monitoring
Execute crucial operational processes, information security risk assessment regarding information systems and internal monitoring regarding security issues and personal data protection.
↠ Education and training
Hold regular training sessions that take into account the occurrence of information security breaches. Such sessions include handling of personal information and data, seminars that aim to improve information security literacy according to staff task and function, lessons in targeted mails and seminars by experts.
↠ Information security incident response
Develop a contingency plan for cybersecurity incidents (emergency response plan). In times of and risk emergence of cyberattacks and information leakages, lead investigations and emergency situations alongside coordinating with management and relevant departments, so that there is minimum effect on businesses, and support efforts for prevention of recurrence.

Basic Policy regarding Information Security

Privacy Policy

TV Asahi Corporation gives the greatest consideration in handling personal data and aims to protect personal data.

TV Asahi Privacy Policy
(Japanese only)

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